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August 02, 2007

Pervert at work!! Caught in the act!!

On the way back from work today, I was reclining in my seat as the bus was rather empty. Getting ready to plunge into the murky depths that is my thoughts for the bus ride home when i noticed a strange scene unfolding before my very eyes..

Infront of me sat a senior "gentleman" who looked in his early 50s. He dressed decently in a stripe polo tee and had a large bare patch on his head. He sported a nicely trim goatee/moustache and in he was fiddling with his camera like an excited geek with a new gadget. Well out of curiosity I took a peek into what he was doing with his camera and he was just pointing it about aimlessly testing the fliming function. Just when I was about to get bored and dive off into my own thoughts, he suddenly zoomed in on this european lady infront who was with a young girl. I instantly did a double take and just as quickly he started flimming the surroundings again. I looked at the victims and noticed the lady staring at him menacingly, her husband was doing the same thing.

As it is for the rest of the journey I looked as this man intently to see if he is up to any mischief. Well like Slyvester the cat, he pretended nothing happen and carrying on flimming the surrounding... Well how dumb can you be, singapore roads are clean and the highway is good but they aren't exactly the most beautiful specimens in the world. Worst still it made him look like a bloody terrorist.. Eventually he stop fliming after abit of tit for tat from the lady's husband.( he took a picture of him with his high-tech nikon camera with the zoom lense and the works )

Well seeing him just reinforce the ideal that you cant judge a book by its cover. He looks just like my RSM in army for goodness sake, but he sank to such low depths.. Well if u want sexual gratification, there is a place call geylang or even thos lap sup ktv or sleazy massage parlours. I felt like whacking his head some of the time straight on the bald spot to get him to wake up his idea. Oh well, perhaps every city has it weird residents..

Yet looking from his point of view, I think no self respecting individual would do such a thing. Its absolutely degrading and I would feel worst about myself if I do something like this, or even something similar. Something perhaps drove him to such lengths, i can imagine this person having kids of his own, a partner in life etc... Perhaps something happen, hopefully he seeks help..

Lonely Planet?? Looney Planet??
Everyone is abit crazy and lonely i suppose..

So a big thank you to all my frens for keeping me sane in the Lonely and Crazy world =D
